Leadership Lessons from Abroad

Leadership Lessons from Abroad

As I boarded the first of three flights from Atlanta to Bangkok my only thought was how I was going to best serve my client.  Traveling internationally had become routine.  Little did I know that the teacher would become the student and I would be served up lessons I could never have seen coming. Twenty […]

Ineffective Conflict Resolution Puts the Brakes on Growth

The setting couldn’t have been better: The training room windows inside the lodge pole looked out onto a thick forest. At the other end of the room cushy leather chairs faced a fireplace. The food was gourmet-organic and during breaks we could take walks on the beach. The environment was harmonious. Perfect! For the 15 […]

Getting Work Done Seldom Happens at Work

Career Growth

Where do you go to get quality work done? If you’re like the people Jason Fried interviewed for his book “Rework” your answer might be a coffee shop or a special room in the house, or while traveling on a train or a plane. You wouldn’t mention the workplace being a good place to get […]

Communication Style Agility Produces Better Results

Holiday Challenge: Elevate the Quality of Each Conversation The holidays are great. But let’s face it. They can be a time of increased stress caused by a lot of poor communication. Why not use the next 30 days to elevate the quality of each conversation? Try this with Uncle Harry over dinner or your boss […]

Breaking the Silence in Teams


Q: How can I get members of my team to speak up and improve communication? A: Encourage them to stop assuming how others feel and start owning the interpretations they create. To see American management 20 years ago, visit a company in India today. Like many other developing countries, India imitates American business.  Yes, U.S. businesses […]

30 Days to Better Leadership

coaching skills for leaders

We all want to become better leaders, because leadership is about making a real difference in the world. We don’t want to just manage people, but lead them. If a management course or a coach isn’t in the budget and your company hasn’t done 360-degree reviews in years, you still can improve. AZ magazine worked […]