As I boarded the first of three flights from Atlanta to Bangkok my only thought was how I was going to best serve my client. Traveling internationally had become routine. Little did I know that the teacher would become the student and I would be served up lessons I could never have seen coming. Twenty […]
The setting couldn’t have been better: The training room windows inside the lodge pole looked out onto a thick forest. At the other end of the room cushy leather chairs faced a fireplace. The food was gourmet-organic and during breaks we could take walks on the beach. The environment was harmonious. Perfect! For the 15 […]
Where do you go to get quality work done? If you’re like the people Jason Fried interviewed for his book “Rework” your answer might be a coffee shop or a special room in the house, or while traveling on a train or a plane. You wouldn’t mention the workplace being a good place to get […]
Holiday Challenge: Elevate the Quality of Each Conversation The holidays are great. But let’s face it. They can be a time of increased stress caused by a lot of poor communication. Why not use the next 30 days to elevate the quality of each conversation? Try this with Uncle Harry over dinner or your boss […]
Q: How can I get members of my team to speak up and improve communication? A: Encourage them to stop assuming how others feel and start owning the interpretations they create. To see American management 20 years ago, visit a company in India today. Like many other developing countries, India imitates American business.  Yes, U.S. businesses […]
We all want to become better leaders, because leadership is about making a real difference in the world. We don’t want to just manage people, but lead them. If a management course or a coach isn’t in the budget and your company hasn’t done 360-degree reviews in years, you still can improve. AZ magazine worked […]