How Goal Setting Will Kick Start Your Life and Confidence

Culture Change

Follow the intuitive or linear approach RESTARTING THE ENGINE of our economy will require all of us to establish or recommit to goals. For that reason, now might be a good time to dust off some basic goal setting principles. Depending on your style there are two approaches to goal setting, Intuitive and Linear. If […]

Good Negotiation Requires a Plan

Get past fear to create positive change.

To witness congress over the last several months, we might get the impression that negotiation is a passive aggressive slug match instead of an art form of elevated communication, or a series of compromises on the way to achieve a common goal. We might roll our eyes when see our elected officials play another game […]

Getting Work Done Seldom Happens at Work

Career Growth

Where do you go to get quality work done? If you’re like the people Jason Fried interviewed for his book “Rework” your answer might be a coffee shop or a special room in the house, or while traveling on a train or a plane. You wouldn’t mention the workplace being a good place to get […]

Avoid Past Goal Setting Mistakes

Your business goals are probably already set. But, how about those for your personal development?  And, what about re-evaluating those goals you have already set? Often, great plans start with a bang but end with a fizzle. So, why do well-intended people set goals but don’t reach them and what should we be doing differently? […]