Learning Needs a New Approach

New challenges don’t have to hold back new ideas. IF YOUR SPEED OF LEARNING isn’t faster than the speed of change, you will fall behind. Employees who don’t learn maintain the status quo. Helping create a workforce that is always learning is difficult. Conflicting priorities, lack of resources, antiquated training approaches and a hard-to-break command-and-control […]

How To Change a Narcissistic Culture

Change the narrative around service and engagement NARCISSISM IS NOT JUST a type of person, but it can become a part of a company’s culture. This focus on self at the expense of others is encouraged by fear over ones’ wellbeing, companies that measure and reward individual instead of team results, a new generation of […]

Process For Writing a Great Mission Statement

great mission statement

A great mission statement, developed and implemented the right way, engages employees, defines priorities and guides daily work.  However, most people equate mission statement development with getting a root canal. Mission statements fail for five reasons: 1. Leaders develop them without involving those who implement them.  2. They choke off growth because they focused on […]

Breaking the Silence in Teams


Q: How can I get members of my team to speak up and improve communication? A: Encourage them to stop assuming how others feel and start owning the interpretations they create. To see American management 20 years ago, visit a company in India today. Like many other developing countries, India imitates American business.  Yes, U.S. businesses […]