Learning may not always come from those above you on the career ladder. Peers and even direct reports may have valuable lessons to share – If you’re open minded to them. Effective leadership, like success in life, is as much a social journey as it is a learning journey. There’s simply too much change happening […]
I found this article today as I was reviewing Success Magazine. Interesting topic and thought I would share. Imagine for a moment that you’re about to sit down with an employee to discuss exciting new changes to your company. Perhaps you’re bubbling with enthusiasm, sure that she’ll feel the same as you. Then you break […]
How to keep talented employees motivated in tough times Across the country, employees are tired of doing more work with fewer resources and little or no recognition. Burnout is the new normal. More than half of those surveyed by DDI, a talent-management firm, said their careers are stagnant and that they plan to look for […]
Where do you go to get quality work done? If you’re like the people Jason Fried interviewed for his book Rework your answer might be a coffee shop or a special room in the house, or while traveling on a train or a plane. You wouldn’t mention work being a good place to get […]
I’ll admit it. I’m an email addict. I’m a people-pleasing baby boomer who wants to be on the ball and prove my worth by the speed of my response. On average I check email 30-40 times an hour: It’s the first thing I do in the morning, the last thing I do at night and […]
The setting couldn’t have been better: The training room windows inside the lodge pole resort looked out onto a thick forest. At the other end of the room, cushy leather chairs faced a fireplace. The food was gourmet-organic; and during breaks, we could take walks on the beach. The environment was harmonious. Perfect! For […]
She was not unlike many others. In fact, her challenges were the most common I have seen in more than 18 years. Debbie was an accomplished worker. She was smart and motivated and after five years in her position, she got the nod to head the department. “I loved the recognition. It was what I […]
MFI is excited to celebrate our 25th anniversary with our launch of a new brand, a larger team, and expanded service offerings. To discover how we may be of service to your organization, click here.
Can you will inspiration? This question comes to me as I sit in an airport, tired, ready to board my 6th flight in 36 hours. My brain feels as foggy as a San Francisco morning or dry as a piece of toast discovered in the toaster a week after it was placed there. To meet […]
Before I sat down to write this column I had just finished a coaching session with a newly promoted mid-level manager. Julie started our conversation with “It’s true, it is lonely at the top. With my promotion I enjoy the opportunity to make a greater impact, but now my actions are scrutinized, former peers are […]