How creativity makes us competitive


What lessons can the space shuttle Challenger and Columbia disasters teach us that we can apply in business?   According to the Columbia Accident Investigation Board, NASA never fixed the underlying institutional problems that led to the 1986 Challenger tragedy.  As a result, many of them played a role in Columbia’s doomed flight in February […]

Getting past fear to create positive change

Conquer Fear Effect Change

In what people are calling a tumultuous year of change it seems appropriate to re-examine how we succeed and how we fail at change.   Harvard business professor and author John Kotter states business leaders are more successful if they connect change to a positive emotion, and more likely to fail if they associate it only with negative feelings, […]

How can baby boomers and younger employees work together in harmony?

Merging generation gap in the workplace

“Gen X and Gen Y employees don’t have a solid work ethic.”  “Baby boomers are slow to change.” “The younger generation is one of entitlement.”  “The older generation values money over a quality work environment.” You’ve heard these comments. You may have even made them.  Whether they are true or not, baby boomers and younger […]

Are you a leader or a follower?

Leadership - Leader or Follower?

Now more than ever, it’s the time to decide if you are a leader or a follower. A client of mine wasn’t able to get a futurist to speak at an upcoming team building meeting. Instead, I spend hours watching TED talks and YouTube videos of experts in their fields make predictions about the future […]