The Neuroscience of Influence

Woman laughing with others

The Neuroscience of Influence (2 of 3) by Dean Newlund, CEO INFLUENCE: The actions taken to change the behavior of another person. Last week, I wrote that humankind’s story can be summarized as “the struggle to influence.” As long as humans have wanted to connect with and get something from other people, we’ve devised ways […]

How to Influence in Fear, Chaos, and Uncertainty

Woman laughing with others

How to Influence in Fear, Chaos, and Uncertainty (1 of 3) by Dean Newlund, CEO ANY LEADERSHIP development training would be incomplete if it didn’t address the ubiquitous question asked by managers near and far: How do I influence without authority? Leaders with authority influence differently than those with no authority. Most culture change consultants […]

Do We Expect The Right Things From Our People?

Man with laptop and thinking

Creating Human-Centric Expectations SINCE the dawn of the scientific revolution, humans have sought to control their external environment. Yet, our environment around us influences behaviors and decisions much more than we are aware of. A couple of examples: To protect itself from predators, the cuttlefish can completely change its color to match its environment in […]

A New Mindset of Engagement

Happy people sitting and standing looking at laptop

We Manage The Way We Parent AT WORK, we performance-manage our employees the way we parent our kids at home. You want your child to take initiative to do their homework, complete their chores and treat their siblings with respect, so you create the conditions for them to behave in these ways; You reinforce how […]

To Lead or To React?

Two happy men sitting on sofa looking at laptop in a highrise

Why the World Needs Leaders to Shape a Positive Future IF YOU LISTEN to futurists today share their ideas of what’s to come tomorrow, you’d think you stumbled onto a science fiction channel. And even if half of what we hear is non-fiction, it’s abundantly clear we’re just beginning to experience the kind of change […]

Finding Answers Inside

person wearing glasses looking at reflection in window

Breaking the Habit of Negative Thinking YOU ARE SELF-AWARE. You read books and watch YouTube videos that help you figure out how to move forward in a positive and powerful way. Like all of us, you’ve had disappointments in career, relationships, and romance, but you know some habits and tools can really make a difference. […]

The Issue with Motivation

man leaning his forehead against concrete building

Act on Principles Not Just on Feeling THE US TRADITION of motivation can be found in a rehearsal for the movie, Marathon Man with British actor, Sir Laurence Olivier, and Dustin Hoffman. In the script, Hoffman’s character is supposed to walk from one side of the room to the other. Instead of doing so, Hoffman […]