Successful Conflict Resolution Must Have These Three Commitments


Communication without conflict is peaceful, harmonious and pleasant. Imagine your family, fellow employees, and negotiations between nations void of conflict. Wouldn’t we be less stressed, more relaxed, with far fewer lives lost in wars? But communication without conflict can also be boring, unimaginative and repetitive. Imagine how dull conversations over dinner and in team meetings […]

How To Promote Your Interest in Career Advancement

career advancement

  Mission driven organizations sometimes frown upon self-promotion. I think it stems from our puritan/religious traditions that one is called to serve, not advanced through self-promotion. I’ve noticed this cultural trend over the years with several of our non-profit and healthcare organizations in particular. I recall how difficult it was for a coaching client from a non-profit healthcare […]

Build Better Business Relationships


To be successful in business, it is critical to build and maintain relationships. Not just with customers, but also with vendors, employees and competitors. You need to have long-term customers and good vendor relationships especially during challenging times or tight deadlines. Good relationships with other business owners allow you to share your struggles, resources and […]

The Benefits of Mentoring


 Although many coach trainees engage in mentoring as a credentialing requirement, the opportunity to participate in this self-directed learning is an excellent investment in yourself on both a professional and personal level. The support that comes from a coach mentor brings your learning to a different mastery level.Mentoring is a time to look at how […]