Root Cause Vital for Teams

Remember Newton’s Third Law of Motion: For every action is there is an equal and opposite reaction?  I’ve coined a similar law for business teams: For every symptom, there is a hidden root cause.  Symptoms are easy to see while root cause is often hidden.  Why should we care? We make decisions on what we […]

Strategies for Lonely Leaders at the Top

Lonely Leaders

Before I sat down to write this column I had just finished a coaching session with a newly promoted mid-level manager. Julie started our conversation with “It’s true, it is lonely at the top.  With my promotion I enjoy the opportunity to make a greater impact, but now my actions are scrutinized, former peers are […]

The Narcissistic Team

Team Engagement

For reasons that include fear for our own well being, companies that measure and reward individual instead of team results, a new generation of employees who feel more entitled than their older peers, and a US culture that reveres individual success, it appears we’ve entered the age of narcissism. Let’s face it, some amount of […]