Simplifying Change

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How to Influence Others for Positive Results WE HEAR ALL the time that change is hard. Yes, our brains want us to reach a place of stasis—a place where we can relax without stress. However, depression is often a life without enough change. Think about what happens when we procrastinate and avoid situations or people […]

Learning Foundations

two women talking at wooden table and looking at tablet

How Leaders, Teams, and Organizations Learn and Grow AFTER 28 years of working with thousands of leaders, teams, companies, non-profit organizations, government agencies and municipalities, school systems, and universities in the US and 19 companies, we’ve observed a few patterns in how learning occurs. Behavior follows perceptions. Leaders who successfully change their behavior first change […]

The Power of a Great Mission Statement


Mission Statements and Intuition Listen to this week’s interview by CLAXON IN THIS EPISODE, Erica and Dean discuss: Mission statements generation, differences, and similarities between businesses. Creating for a purpose greater than ourselves, to be part of a community. Utilizing intuition in business to help support your data. Breaking the pattern of thinking, stop being […]

A New Mindset of Engagement

Happy people sitting and standing looking at laptop

We Manage The Way We Parent AT WORK, we performance-manage our employees the way we parent our kids at home. You want your child to take initiative to do their homework, complete their chores and treat their siblings with respect, so you create the conditions for them to behave in these ways; You reinforce how […]

To Lead or To React?

Two happy men sitting on sofa looking at laptop in a highrise

Why the World Needs Leaders to Shape a Positive Future IF YOU LISTEN to futurists today share their ideas of what’s to come tomorrow, you’d think you stumbled onto a science fiction channel. And even if half of what we hear is non-fiction, it’s abundantly clear we’re just beginning to experience the kind of change […]