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Scottsdale, Arizona


Challenges / Opportunities

New CEO from a major healthcare system has tremendous relationship building skills but is indecisive and lacks the ability to paint a clear vision others want to follow.

With strong board, employee and staff support, the CEO is well positioned to set a new course for the organization and redefine the roles and structure of the executive team.

Recommendations & Implementations

The CEO asked executive coach, Dean Newlund, to do the following:

  • Deploy a custom MFI Leadership 360 Assessment and Report
  • Facilitate sessions with this staff on defining a compelling vision
  • Identify goals and task force teams to implement goals
  • Provide him insights into the dynamics of his team
  • Help him redefine roles and responsibilities of his team
  • Provide strategies for aligning his team around a refreshed mission and vision
  • Counsel him on how to make and communicate tough decisions
  • Give recommendations for reorganizing his team structure


According to a second survey, employee, staff and board rated the CEO higher in decisiveness, strategic thinking and ability to set and engage others in a compelling mission.

Across the system, accountability and productivity went up while staff turnover went down.

Follow Up

The MFI coach continued his work with the CEO and expanded his support to the Executive Leadership Team, which involved executive coaching for each ELT member and quarterly full or half day team development facilitations.

“Your style and approach to our engagement was focused and individualized to our specific needs, versus a boilerplate, “one size fits all” method. Your suggested work plan was based on translating what you heard from executives and our key medical staff and board constituents with your own professional expertise and experience in a very thoughtful, comprehensive manner.

During our engagement, you held us accountable to stay on track. You were particularly helpful to me in giving candid insight and suggestions regarding the overall process and with respect to specific individual team members.”

– Tom Sadvary, Former CEO of HONORHEALTH

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Contact us to book a consultation with one of our Transformation Coaches and get instant insight.