Vanessa Judelman: Mastering Leadership: What It Takes to Move From A “Doer” To A “Leader”

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In a world where leadership is constantly put to the test, one woman’s journey unveils a surprising twist. Vanessa Judelman, a renowned expert in leadership development, has faced the challenges of the rapidly changing business landscape head-on. But what happens when the teacher becomes the student? Brace yourself as Vanessa discovers a hidden path that leads to a revelation no one saw coming. Get ready to witness a transformation that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about leadership.


About Vanessa Judelman:

Vanessa Judelman is the President of Mosaic People Development. For over 20 years, Vanessa has been helping clients to develop leaders who inspire great results. She is a speaker, facilitator, leadership consultant, and certified executive coach.

Having worked “in the trenches” herself as a leader, she teaches her clients a very practical approach to leadership that she has used to develop her own high-performing teams.

Over the years, she has trained and coached thousands of people to transition from “doers” to leaders. She works with leaders to give them the tools and strategies they need to feel confident, be more self-aware, be team-focused, and be strategic. 

She’s authored a book –  ‘Mastering Leadership – What It Takes To Lead In Today’s Fast-Paced World’-  about leadership and led her own teams.

Vanessa has had the privilege of developing leaders in organizations like Campbells Soup, The United Nations, HelloFresh, SickKids, and the Bank of Montreal.


In this episode, Dean Newlund and Vanessa Judelman discuss how to:

  • Maximize leadership potential and drive success in rapidly changing business environments.
  • Overcome the unique challenges of managing hybrid work environments for increased productivity and employee satisfaction.
  • Understand and communicate the return on investment (ROI) of leadership development initiatives to secure buy-in from stakeholders.
  • Recognize leadership as an essential, not just a nice-to-have, for driving organizational growth and innovation.
  • Foster a culture of shared responsibility for leadership development to cultivate a thriving and resilient workforce.


“Leaders need help managing their teams and navigating their businesses amid the dynamic environment. Investing in leadership development is crucial for success.” — Vanessa Judelman


Connect with Vanessa Judelman:  

Website URL: https://www.mosaicpd.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessajudelman/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MosaicPeopleDevelopment

IG: https://www.instagram.com/vanessajudelman/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MosaicPD


Connect with Dean:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgqRK8GC8jBIFYPmECUCMkw

Website: https://www.mfileadership.com/

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Email: dean.newlund@mfileadership.com

Phone: 1-800-926-7370



Show notes by Podcastologist: Hanz Jimuel Alvarez


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.