Parham Albadvi: Exploring The Intersection Between Purpose and Profit

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Parham Albadvi is a trailblazing copywriter and business strategist for conscious businesses. He is the founder of Mocho and Co, a creative and consulting studio serving exclusively conscious businesses and disruptors. Together with his partner, he helps bold business leaders bring new ideas to market and build value through values. 

After a stint working for various innovative SAAS companies like Eventbrite, Vidyard, and Aura, he took the plunge to work as a freelance copywriter and business strategist (while traveling the world!). He’s committed to helping businesses of all sizes realize Fred Kofman’s vision of businesses “conscious of inner and outer worlds… taking into account body, mind and spirit in self, culture, and nature.”


In this episode, Dean Newlund and Parham Albadvi discuss:

  • Finding inauthenticity in today’s brands 
  • Why brands should stay specialized
  • Creating what people didn’t think they need 
  • What is your brand? 


Key Takeaways:

  • People either know when a company or a person is not being authentic, or they find out eventually. 
  • Brands should stay specialized and focus on what they do best. Don’t be all things to all people. 
  • Innovation is all about recognizing the need behind the desire, it’s creating a product or service that people may or may not know they need. 
  • A brand is what your audience says you are, not merely what you say you are. 



 “The number one factor that’s really contributing to the importance of authenticity and branding is due to the fact that the next generation of buyers are becoming more and more value-driven.” — Parham Albadvi


See Dean’s TedTalk “Why Business Needs Intuition” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEq9IYvgV7I


 Connect with Parham Albadvi:  

Website: http://www.mochoand.co

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mochoandco/

Email: parham@mochoand.co   


Connect with Dean:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgqRK8GC8jBIFYPmECUCMkw

Website: https://www.mfileadership.com/

The Mission Statement E-Newsletter: https://www.mfileadership.com/blog/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deannewlund/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/deannewlund

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MissionFacilitators/

Email: dean.newlund@mfileadership.com

Phone: 1-800-926-7370