Alan Nasypany: Ideas For Better Human-ing in Business

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Dr. Nasypany is Director of two graduate programs in athletic training and sports medicine at the University of Idaho. Dr. Nasypany has a private healing/transformation practice where he specializes in the treatment of difficult/chronic conditions. Dr. Nasypany also has created online courses that can empower all humans to activate their inborn greatness through intuition and intention.


In this episode, Dean Newlund and Alan discuss:

  • Pain and quality of life, helping with what effects life the most.
  • Affirmations and their energy relationship with the law of attraction.
  • Moments of presence, bringing all the good feelings into our bodies.
  • The mechanics of why we feel bad and being out of alignment with your higher, best self.
  • Vibration as a sign of change, and tuning into intuition.


Key Takeaways:

  • The body’s pain becomes a metaphoric representation of what’s going on in your life.
  • Focus your energy on something attainable so you can believe it and your affirmations surrounding it.
  • Leave every experience better than you went into it.
  • Utilize affirmations and their energy relationship with the law of attraction to improve pain and quality of life.


“Something is going on that takes processing power in their life potentially making them less likely to be healthy.” —  Alan Nasypany


See Dean’s TedTalk “Why Business Needs Intuition” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEq9IYvgV7I


Mentioned: The Inner Game of Tennis

       Heal Your Body

Connect with Alan Nasypany:  

Website: https://resource.thinkific.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RESOURCEENERGETICS/
Email: drn@resourceenergetics.com


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Email: dean.newlund@mfileadership.com
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