Doug Diehl: Intuition in Art and Business

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“Access to talented and creative people is to modern business what access to coal and iron ore was to steel-making”, according to author and thought-leader, Richard Florida.

A common response we hear is that creativity is limited to a small group of people with particular talents.  The misperception is that most people don’t want to be creative, couldn’t do it if asked, and would be very uncomfortable in an environment where creativity was expected of them.  This belief is false.   Every human is endowed with an incredible capacity for creativity and innovation.  The board agreement among economists is that economic growth comes from creative or knowledge-based occupations. And, when we stifle that creativity by old-style command and control management mindsets and practices, we risk losing talented people. According to a 2004 Economist magazine article, “The real foreign threat to the America economy is not terrorism; it’s the way we make creative and talented people stop wanting to come here.”

My guest on The Business of Intuition is a person who makes a living being creative.  Doug Diehl is a nationally recognized painter who is known for his evocative landscape scenes of the Southwest. Doug has also started and led many small businesses and is a voracious reader of history, art and philosophy.


In this fascinating discussion Doug describes:

  • How he prepares himself to be creative,
  • The way in which intuition is a function of creativity,
  • How he balances both the right and left sides of the brain at the same time,
  • How painting a picture is similar to building a company’s vision,
  • Finding inspiration in a non analytical way,
  • Getting out of the analytical side of your brain so intuition can integrate into your process,
  • Most importantly Doug gives us real tools to tap into our intuition and creativity and how to apply them to our lives at work.


Key Takeaways:

  • A person’s biggest hindrance is their ego and pride. It blinds you to make mistakes and new ideas,
  • Intuition and a visionary mindset, infuses passion while overriding ego and pride,
  • Creativity is the heart of evolving as an artist and as a business person,
  • Examining life from different perspectives and thought processes helps us look at life through different lenses.


“When you are intuitive you go beyond the rules without breaking the object of your creation .” —  Doug Diehl


See Dean’s TedTalk “Why Business Needs Intuition” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEq9IYvgV7I

Connect with Doug Diehl:  
Website: DouglasDiehlArtist

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